If wallpaper was originally applied correctly then you can usually strip the top layer of vinyl off by peeling away at the seam or an edge. Sometimes only small pieces can be removed by dry stripping exposing the the backing paper. This layer can normally be removed by wetting or using a wallpaper steamer or with the use of DIF Wallpaper Stripper. Often the top layer of vinyl or vinyl coated wallpapers need perforating with a Paper tiger. This device is a small hand held tool with small wheels that have sharp teeth that break the surface of the wall covering. This enables steam or moisture to penetrate into the layers of wallpaper. You can then use a metal scraper to remove wet wallpaper. This should come away reasonably easy.
If wallpaper was originally applied to an unsealed surface (eg bare gyprock) the surface may be at risk of damage when you try to remove it. In this situation further assessment may be needed eg you may need plaster repairs or there are wallpapers we sell that are ideal for difficult walls with imperfections. Ask us what we recommend.
Yes and no. We don't recommend this but understandably some wallpaper will not budge and even if you try with steamers, scrapers, hot water stripping solution etc etc and you can't remove you may have no choice but to paint it. If so, then you will need a good covering undercoat. We may recommend either a water or an oil based with good adhesive properties. It will depend on the wallpaper type. You can also use Zinsser Shieldz if you plan to re- wallpaper over existing paper.Before you paint it you must be sure all seams and edges are firm. Peel away loose parts of the paper, and fine fill certain areas to even the surface out. Sand and then undercoat. You can then paint.
This is usually due to the wallpaper having been hung to a bare gyprock wall. If the wall had of been sealed and painted you would not have the same problem. There is no guarantee that you will remove this wallpaper without gauging the gyprock. It may be best to re wallpaper over the top.
Hanging is usually the same but glue application can vary and this depends on the wallpaper and it's instructions. Each roll of wallpaper will have these instructions. We can also recommend a qualified tradesman (wallpaper installer) to do it for you for our wallpaper purchasing customers.
We are working on this. For now please call us to discuss the steps you will need to take.
Wallpaper is a DIY product. Some people are happy to try for the first time and with the correct preparation and with our advice it is possible for you to achieve a nice result. Most of our customers are surprised how good they actually did the job! There are some wallpapers that people prefer to have a professional install the wallpaper and sometimes we may recommend a wallpaper hanger who is experienced in hanging to do your job. This will depend on the area, height and the type of wallpaper. We have some reliable wallpaper hangers that we can recommend if you need someone to do the job well.So generally no it's not hard, but you need to follow the steps and take your time and with the correct equipment, preparation and advice there is no reason why you can't do it yourself.
Before any wallpaper is hung it should be inspected to ensure there are no printing faults or marks. Occasionally a fault may be detected. Please do not proceed and hang the wallpaper. It may need to be replaced and we will need to check it first before requesting more rolls to complete your project. Sometimes a fault is detected as that wallpaper is hung and you may not notice this until it is insitu. Please STOP, take a photo of the fault, and call us to discuss next steps.
It is totally up to you what patterns you choose. Wallpapers are used in every room of the home so we would recommend you have a look at your surrounds and decide what overall look you like. Get ideas from magazines, in shops, cafes, hairdressers, and other homes and online. Allow a few hours of browsing time before deciding on a pattern. Wallpaper is designed to be there for years if you choose to leave it, so take your time before making the final decision. There are many wallpapers online, but nothing beats seeing and feeling the wallpapers. This is why we always encourage our customers to come into our store and see the wallpapers before buying online. Please feel free to book a wallpaper consultation via the booking page on our site
Hmmmm...that's a hard one. If you work well by yourself and have your own way of being organised then we may suggest work by yourself. If you feel more confident having someone else helping then that's okay too. The second person may help by being a labourer eg pasting a drop of paper while you are hanging another. Have the same person on the same job so you do not get inconsistencies.
Unfortunately we do not refund rolls of wallpaper. This is because we have ordered the wallpaper from a supplier who orders directly from overseas. These orders are non refundable. Once you have ordered it with us then cancellation is not possible either. Please take your time in choosing and book a wallpaper consultation with us via the book a consult page on our site
We do not take excess wallpaper rolls back. Sometimes you will have excess because if there is a risk of you having a shortfall, we may suggest you order extra. The reason for this is if you run short during installation, the chance of getting the same run number again is decreased. It is best to have more than less. It's also good to have in case you get some damage in the future.At Crockers we do our best to assist you to work out quantities. We have online calculation methods and we can also recommend a paper hanger that may be able to measure and give you a quantity needed. You will also need to consider the wallpaper roll size and it's pattern repeat. We will help where we can but will not be held responsible for over or under ordering. What we order will always be per your instructions and with the assistance of online calculators