It's BFCM White Friday Sale Time for 2024!
Let's turn BLACK paint into WHITE paint!
🎉Crockers have decided to turn BLACK FRIDAY into WHITE with our 3 day BOGOF WHITE FRIDAY, SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY & CYBER MONDAY sale days!🎉
🗣️Starts Friday November 29th at 7.00am and ends Monday December 2nd at 5.00pm

🙌For this sale period, you can buy Haymes Interior New Life Low Sheen Acrylic (previously sold as Krysler Low Sheen Acrylic) in 4lt and 10lt and get the same size FREE.🙌
Here’s how:
🔥Buy a 4lt and get a 4lt FREE. Buy a 10lt and get a 10lt FREE!🔥It’s that simple!Â

Paint your home for HALF the price in white or any light tinted colour using Haymes Newlife Interior Low Sheen Acrylic! We can tint it now or you can have it tinted later at absolutely no charge!
This paint is perfect for interior rooms, living areas, bedrooms, hallways plus more. It gives you an elegant washable low sheen finish and the price won’t burn a hole in your pocket. It’s made by Haymes Paint so it’s all Australian Made too!
Get your rooms spruced up and tidy for Christmas or call in to get your paint NOW for the holidays summer painting project! Need advice on how to start painting? Call in and talk with us today. We will help you get started.
Quality paint, quality service and specialist advice all here at Crockers! Helping you get the job done right the first time!
Call us on 9525-7489Visit us: 1/206 Box Road MIRANDA (next door to Hungry Jacks Sylvania)
Plenty of off street parking
Open Mon-Fri 7.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 3.00pm
Visit us online:
Search product: New Life Interior Low Sheen
PS: Remember the dates: 🗣️Starts Friday November 29th at 7.00am and ends Monday December 2nd at 5.00pm

#CrockersPaint #HaymesPaint #BOGOF #BFCM #BlackFriday #WhiteFriday #SmallBusinessSaturday #CyberMonday #DIYPainting #SpringPainting #InteriorPainting #InteriorLowSheen #WhitePaint #Whites&Neutrals #AustralianMadePaint #MirandaPaintShop #ShopLocal #CrockerPaintOnline